Monday, August 29, 2011

About Me

Hey there world!  So since this blog is brand-spankin' new, I think I'm going to post a little snippet of info for y'all...sort of an "All About Me".  I've never blogged before, and this blog was created primarily as an assignment by my Sociology Teacher, Mrs. Castelli.  Throughout the course of this semester I will be posting things of a Sociological nature:  most likely assignments by my teacher.  However, I do plan to have as much fun as possible with this blog and I promise I'll try to make it as interesting as possible!

So what was I supposed to be posting about?  Oh yeah, an "All About Me"...well I'm a Junior in High School and I currently reside in the lovely town of Barrington, Illinois.  I am 5'8", I have brown hair and am about as caucasian as a person can get.  I'm a varsity swimmer and water polo player, as well as a lifeguard at my local pool, a swim team coach and swim lessons instructor.  I spend my free time doing homework (sometimes...), hanging out with friends, and/or eating.  I LOVE FOOD. Seriously, it's probably my most favorite thing in the world.  Every day when I'm sitting in class or swimming a million laps at practice, all I can think about is what I want to eat when I get home.  Pizza with extra cheese.  Ice cream with extra cookie dough.  Chips with extra guac.  Chicken with extra "fried".  Banana bread with extra butter. I love it all.

I also love art, and in all forms.  I'm what some may call a Music Junkie:  I love finding new music, quickly falling in love with it, eventually growing sick of it, and repeating the process.  I try to draw in my free time, but whether or not i create a masterpiece or a piece of poo is pretty much 50/50 and up in the air.  Oil pastel is my strongest and most favorable media, and I absolutely adore the works of Georgia O'Keefe.

Jesus.  He is my most favorite guy ever.  That's all I have to say about that.

So now that you know my motive for blogging, basic demographics, hobbies and biggest unhealthy obsession...let's get this show on the road! :)


  1. I love your enthusiasm and can already tell I will enjoy reading your entries; Although I already gained a pound just reading about the food you think about!

    Mrs. Castelli

  2. Thank you Mrs. Castelli! As nerdy as this may sound, I honestly can't wait for the next blog assigment as I've already had so much fun with the first two!

